Sunday 1 May 2011

Flying cats on a highway?

 I must’ve got you all wondering for a second there right? Well what I’m about to talk about is another example of animal abuse and its rights? This occurred about a year ago; if I’m not mistaken. It was sunny Monday afternoon when I was surfing through the net like any other teenager should and came across a video, via you-tube. It was on my mum’s facebook profile and one of her friends linked it to her. It was about how local Arab boys find chucking cats out of their cars on the highway amusing. The video went on about for 2 minutes max and coincidently, the car behind them recorded it. When she first saw it, she thought that it was a hoax recording. Turned out, mum was wrong. Her friend’s close buddy was the one recording it when he was on his way back home. The next morning, mum decided to show it to my brothers and I. We were seriously astonished by the fact that the cat was being thrown out of a white SLR Mercedes.The cat was literally running for its life there. The cat seemed so small and not enough nutrition’s in its body that it almost looked like a kitten! Can you imagine that a cat so small is suddenly being chucked outside on the highway where cars drive up to 180km/h! Imagine what’s going through the local clan’s mind when seeing the cat. Imagine how they find it so amusing its pleasure to their eyes. How could one so cruel do such a thing? When my brothers and I were in the midst of watching the video, my mum questioned us… “What is exactly going through your mind right now? Answer me honestly.”We had similar answers being spoken out. Answers like, they should be punished for such a thing, or banished to the core. Many evil and cynical like words came out of our mouths that mum and dad thought it was another vocabulary session. In the future, the whole family agreed that if any of us find one of those boys, then that will be the end of it. We will report them to the police (the regulations here are pretty strict and severe consequences shall be faced without a doubt.  ) and guess they can take over from there onwards. Animals shouldn't be treated like this. It is not fair at all. They too have feelings and are considered living things too. They eat, sleep, and grow just like humans. Okay, I should not mention anymore as you get where I’m going here. To conclude, I personally feel that the department of animal rights in Qatar should be cautious of the events that are happening around the city. In addition to this, they should organize workshops or exhibitions on animal rights and how they live in this world, to show people, to make them understand that this is a serious issue. This is to help the animal’s life healthy and safe. Unfortunately, the video is unavailable and its not evident enough but bare in mind… it happens, we just don’t know it.

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